Training Materials
Microsoft OneDrive Reference Guides
Learn how to upload and share files, recover a deleted file, and more.

Cyber Security Awareness Month - Week 4
Week 4 - Families and Businesses

Budget Framework Video
Instructions and guidance on completing the Budget Framework spreadsheet.

Outlook Mailbox Management Video
Become more proficient using Outlook

Financial Statement - COVID Reporting
Learn how to report pre-approved COVID related expenses on your financial statement.

Cyber Security Awareness Month - Week 3
Working and Networking

Cyber Security Awareness Month - Week 2
Links aren't always what they seem to be.

Cyber Security Awareness Month - Week 1
CSAM is an internationally recognized campaign held every October to inform the public of the importance of cyber security.

MS Teams Overview Videos
Watch these short videos to learn how to create and join a remote work meeting using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Excel 365 Productivity
This video offers tips and tricks to become more efficient in using Excel features.

Microsoft SharePoint Quick Reference Guide
Use this guide to get started using Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft OneDrive Quick Reference Guide
Use this guide to get started using Microsoft OneDrive

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